Submit a Ticket

Provide here a very short description of the request, question, or issue.
- Automatically send email when purchase order is confirmed
- How do I match credit notes with invoices?
- Error message appears when trying to confirm an invoice
Provide here the detailed specifications of your request.
- The email subject must contain the Vendor Name and PO number
- The email body shall contain the list of products and their quantity and price
Provide here additional info that could help us understand the question better such as providing context or sample records you are working on.
- I would like to match Invoice No. 0001 with Credit Note No. 0002 so that the amount due of the invoice will be decreased
Provide here which user account/s the issue is happening to.
Provide here the detailed steps that lead to encountering the issue.
1. Go to Accounting > Customers > Invoices menu
2. Open Invoice No. 0001
3. Click Confirm
Provide here attachments that will help us understand your request, question, or issue better.
- Image of a sample email layout that you wish for us to copy
- Image of the actual invoice that you wish to match with a credit note
- Image of the error message appearing